The Internet is a wonderful tool which allows you do things such as shopping, browsing and search for just about anything you may be looking for. However, in the same way that we use it as a tool to get many things done, so do identity theft thieves, hackers, and spammers. The difference is that these miscreants whose sole purpose is to steal and highjack your computer from you will stop at nothing until they do. The reason for this is simple; they in turn get all your personal credit card and banking information, passwords and even the sites you visit. Many hackers will even use your PC as a gateway to other crimes by hiding themselves within your system and sending out spam, committing credit card fraud and much more.
If you regularly use the Internet to shop or simply just to browse you need to be sure your computer is protected against the many dangers out there in cyberspace. There are hundreds of sites who look legitimate but are actually full of spy-ware and viruses and end up leading you to programs that contain malware. If you use software such as P2P like Ares or Limewire then you are in for a big surprise. About 70% of these programs you download actually contain Trojan horse viruses. A Trojan horse virus is one that comes within a legitimate program and will install itself along with the program. Most of the time you will not even be aware of it until it is too late. If you do not have a Firewall running on your PC or Laptop, then chances are each time you browse the Internet hackers, thieves and spammers are sending 'pings' to your computer in order to know if you have security and then infiltrate it. It is almost impossible to know when this is happening without a program to detect, warn and stop it from happening. There are other countless of programs that you may download which seem innocent enough. Yet most of these programs contain Spy-ware. The sole purpose for this software is to log and record all the information on all of the pages you visit all day. This means that whatever site you visit, they will know and sell that information to others. This is the reason so many of us get so much spam each day. Most of that spam comes via the spy-ware found on many computers. It is sort of a backdoor way for them to know what to advertise to you but obtaining that information while invading your privacy. If you have a PC or laptop you need to protect it as it is the gateway to all your personal information.
Luckily for us there are many programs out there which are good while there are others which are great! A great Internet security program will not only protect your computer from anti-virus and anti-spyware but will also offer you Firewall, email, identity protection and IM security along with parental controls as well. One program I have been using for quite a while offers all of these features plus many more. I highly recommend it for its simple to use interface as well the extra sense of security it provides. If you are surfing, shopping or simply browsing online without your computer protected, then I implore you to look into safeguarding the key to the door of your PC. Not having a Great Internet security program installed on your computer is like sleeping with your front door wide open. We all know no one would ever do that right? Protect yourself by protecting your computer today!
hector mota
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